Sunday, December 16, 2018

Finding Bigger Suppliers, part 5

An Example: is a specialty distributor of various plastic products. Buckets, bottles, measuring cups, scoops and more. A distributor like this is great for buying items to run your facility: buckets for storage, measuring cups for mixing, etc.

For repeated purchases of a single item such a a 1-tablespoon scoop, this same distributor may be the best source. There is no minimum, so you can order a single item for testing or use in the studio. They offer quantity discount breaks when purchasing over 300, over 600, and over 1800. What if you consistently purchase 1800 or more scoops? If you'll go through 1800 scoops in less than 3 months, it's time to look for better pricing.

The manufacturer of these particular scoops is listed right in the description - Airlite Plastics. If you call Airlite and inquire, you may learn that their minimum order is 2800 pieces. If it's reasonable to purchase that many at one time (one guideline is if you'd use them in 3 months or less), then you'd save money by changing to the larger supplier. If your needs don't fit the minimum quantity for the larger supplier, then you can happily continue using the same distributor knowing you're getting a good price.

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